2016 shaped up to be a busy but successful year for D&M Accounting, and 2017 is looking even more exciting as we prepare for the very busy 2017 tax season!
What do accountants do? Our dedicated staff attended a number of events to strengthen and build on their knowledge base, ensuring they’re always completely up-to-date with the constantly changing tax laws, tools, and software innovation.
IRS Nationwide Tax Forum
Staff attended this annual three day event offered in five major cities across the country. The forum presents the latest word from IRS leadership and field experts of tax law, compliance, and ethics. There are various live seminars that cover topics from the new health care law and how it affects individuals and families, identity theft with security strategies, emerging issues in Tax Practice Due Diligence, and how to best utilize the Taxpayer Bill of Rights when dealing with the IRS. Also offered are credits for continuing professional education, as well as the latest tax professional products and services.
QuickBooks Seminar
Our staff also attends QuickBooks seminars to learn from the software creators themselves about software updates, helpful hints to make transactions more efficient, and how to perform specialized transaction types. D&M offers training on QuickBooks if you would like training for your staff on implementation and reporting tools.
Back to Basics Tax Seminar
Attended just last month, this seminar covered a variety of topics including the very latest tax law and form updates, ethics, court cases, IRS rulings, and their impact on our business clients. Also included was some strategic planning for our tax clients.
Each of these events was very helpful in helping us navigate the continually evolving tax environment. We’re look forward to see what changes 2017 will have for us!
Come back next week to read about the most recent tax law updates.
D&M Accounting is local, highly qualified, and eager to build a long term relationship with you, helping to save you money each year on your taxes. We come highly recommended by our loyal customers, and will always provide a quality, personalized service. Fill out our simple contact form to get in touch or ask any questions you may have about your taxes or financial statement preparation, and we will get back to you shortly!
Disclaimer: This blog is not written directly by one of our tax professionals. We highly recommend consulting a professional before moving forward with any tax decisions. Thank you!