Federal policies change every year, the new administration has big policy changes planned that may affect your small business.
Tax Deductions
2023 Marginal Rates: How the United States Progressive Tax System Works
Many people know that we pay more in taxes when our income is higher, but that’s only half the truth. Yes, we do pay more, but not on all our income. We’ll explain that in more detail in this article.
Have You Reviewed The List of Things Your Accountant Needs for Your Taxes This Year?
It’s that time of year again, lets review the list of things your accountant needs to do your taxes.
Tis the Season for Reviewing Your Charitable Contributions
In this article, we’ll review the criteria for charitable contributions and offer some suggestions on how to avoid problems with IRS auditors.
6 Tax Deductions In-Home Business Owners Overlook
Opportunities for in-home businesses have never been greater. Thanks to the internet, people can work from virtually anywhere, including the comfort and security of home.
Easily Deduct Business Equipment
The new tax laws seem to be having a positive impact on how much business owners are investing profits back into their companies. According to a report done in April by NFIB, there is a record level of small businesses experiencing profit growth, based on the past 45 years the surveys have been done. This […]